
Digital Libraries Network is for health librarians and trainers in the UK, interested in promotion and training.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

www.nhs.uk - Webuser Gold Star Award

You know how you like to think what you say matters...

After filling in one of their online questionnaires over a year ago, the web site design team invited me (and lots of others!!) to show them how I used the site. They asked me things about searching and then asked me to find certain things - which I did - eventually... using their site search engine. A lot of the time I gave up and said, "I'd use Google now..."

Well whatever we said has resulted in web page that now has been given this weeks Best New Website Webuser Gold Award (Webuser Issue 89 5-18 August 2004 p18). It says that the homepage www.nhs.uk - NHS Gateway - is cleaner and provides simple access to NHS information and services.

So in my own little way I like to think...

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

New Tours

Hello all
Just to let you know that there is a new tour for the Cardiovascular Specialist Library available from www.nelh.nhs.uk/tour
And that there is a new version of the Clinical Evidence tour there too, with updated screenshots, reflecting the changes they made recently to the site.

Robodemo versions of the tours will be appearing soon!


Blogging at HLG

One of my colleagues at eKAT brought to my attention that fellow blogger,Tom Roper, from Brighton and Sussex Medical School will be talking on blogging at HLG.

On Wednesday 8 September Parallel Sessions 3 at 11.40, Tom will be talking on "Blogging in Brighton: current awareness for medical educators through weblogs"

Sadly I won't be there, but I am taking tips from his blog site (mostly the racing ones) to develop my own....

Apologies if this has been blogged before!