
Digital Libraries Network is for health librarians and trainers in the UK, interested in promotion and training.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

E-Learning Blog

Just came across a blog Elearnspace with the following RSS feed for any RSS heads out there. Looks like it might be worth keeping an eye on. While on the subject of E-Learning the North West E-Learning Strategy (NHS Strategy) is available on Aditus along with an E-Learning Strategy toolkit.

Friday, July 25, 2003

fold-outs are a dropout :(

Can anyone in the know give any indication when those nice fold-out business cards (ref. 2002-IA-1294) will be available again?
The day after the Birmingham masterclass I phoned the good people on 08453 660066 to discover there were only THREE fold-outs available. They said more were on the way. I phoned again this morning and was told there weren't any [someone obviously snapped up those three pretty d*mn quick!], that they had no idea when, or indeed whether, there would ever be any more, because they just sent them out and weren't responsible for stocking them up.

I don't think this creates a particularly favourable impression.

Happy Friday!

Helga Perry
Systems Librarian
Cheltenham General Hospital

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Amazon Lite

Amazon without the clutter with Amzon Lite in a UK version, a practical application for XML aiming to provide a faster, cleaner Amazon.co.uk search experience - moreso than can be found at the original site. Links through to the full Amazon record if you need to check something out in more detail. Useful for all that bib checking you do on Amazon on the sly... Originally spotted on the Resource Shelf Blog.

Monday, July 21, 2003

Search example for free-text and thesaurus/MeSH search skills training

I have just had an enquiry which really demonstrates the importance of searching free-text and thesaurus/MeSH for a comprehensive search. The question was "find evidence of the effect of mobile phones in a clinical environment." You need to search for mobile phone as free text and cellular phone as thesaurus/MeSH term or you will miss out on many useful results. Then, for clinical environment, I went for healthcare facilities, but as a related term searched for electromagnetic fields and equipment failure. I thought the mobile phone and cellular phone aspect of the question would be useful as an example in a search skills training session.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Index of subject gateways

With so many partnerships being built within the NHS, I am getting requests for training in finding information on topics related to, but not specifically about health care, for example law, education, or child protection. I have found the Pinakes Subject Launchpad, hosted by Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, very useful for providing relevant information to support training for people involved in social care, health care or education.

US Guidelines

Dear All

Dont know if this is the correct place for this but the NeLH link to the US guidelines is linking to their old website so you have to wait while it connects to the new site. Can the link be changed. Also - any chance we can have a more sophisticated search mechanism on the UK guidelines search engine like the US one - ours is very limited if you want to do a sophisticated search (and thats all I seem to get asked for)

Happy blogging mates!!


Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Collection of articles on Presentations and Training

I came across this site the other day from the Law Library Resource Exchange. While it isn't a site aimed at health libraries, the Presentations page has links to loads of really useful articles, such as Ice Breakers and Other Related Activities, adult learning styles, training principles, and asking questions. Well worth checking out.