
Digital Libraries Network is for health librarians and trainers in the UK, interested in promotion and training.

Friday, February 25, 2005

IT Safety site

This looks like a good site for librarians to recommend to their users. The following appeared in today's "Government Computing weekly" e-newsletter:

"Government pushes IT safety
A new public service has been launched to help protect home computer users and micro businesses from online threats"

To read the article please click here

To visit the site please click here


National Knowledge Grid for Health

There is an advert in this week's BMJ encouraging NHS staff in all regions of the UK to make the most of their electronic resources. There is a card with url details of how to register to get Athens access for your particular area of NHS in the UK.

So - this is to alert NHS libraries and trainers of the possible influx of interest on Athens registration and training requests over the coming week.

If I may make one comment. What could be regarded as a national advertising campaign through a high profile journal needs some sort of co-ordination - especially before the ad gets printed. Not only do we look a bit stupid if users come in brandishing cards we don't know about but we may not have the immediate capacity to properly train the initial influx of new users.

Also the phrase "National Knowledge Grid for Health" is a concept some of us have never come across before.

DLNet is presumably the ideal medium to co-ordinate such advertising campaigns and has not mentioned anything about this advert.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Library Clipart

Just found this website, with some free library images - www.libraryclipart.com
While it is free, you can't just download them - you have to email and ask for a particular image, and then they'll email the file to you.
Lots of them are more aimed at public libraries, but you might find something of use!


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

"Making sense of RSS" - a pilot workshop

Dear all

As the use of RSS and news feeds increases on the NLH website, we thought we would trial a "Making Sense of RSS" workshop, for those people who feel that they don't know much about RSS or how they could use it within their library services.

If the pilot workshops are successful and useful, we will look at running them in different locations around the country.

There are 2 dates available in Manchester, with a maximum of 12 places available on each:

Tuesday 12th April - 10am - 1pm
Monday 18th April - 1pm - 4pm

Venue: Waulk Mill, Bengal Street, Ancoats, M4 6LN (5 mins in a taxi, or about 20 mins walk from Piccadilly - map and parking info available on request!)

The objectives of the session are:

  • to raise awareness amongst library staff of RSS as a method of informing health professionals of clinical information
  • to give library staff an opportunity for guided hands-on practice with RSS feeds and readers

The sessions are being provided free of charge by the NeLH - you will have to make your own travel arrangements.

If you would like to book a place on one of the Manchester sessions, please email NeLH, stating which date you would prefer. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and you will receive confirmation of your booking by email.

Best wishes

Friday, February 11, 2005

Skin Conditions Specialist Library

Hello all
Further to the launch of the Skin Conditions SL, there is now a POD-format flyer available (scroll down the page a little), and a Robodemo for doing off-line demonstrations of the site (use the 2nd link to download and unzip the file to save onto your own pcs).
I've been experimenting with Robodemo, and the one I've made for skin is a bit more interactive, asking you to click in various places, and type into the search box - would be grateful for feedback about this new style of demo (had comments previously about them being too passive) - all comments to the NeLH inbox please.
