
Digital Libraries Network is for health librarians and trainers in the UK, interested in promotion and training.

Friday, July 15, 2005

CASPuk Training Week 2005

CASPuk Training Week 2005
In association with the CASP International Network and the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine

CASPuk Training Week 2005 is taking place from 5th - 9th September 2005. This popular week supports health and social care professionals from across the UK and around the world who wish to disseminate evidence-based practice and decision-making within their organisation or locality. The CASP model promotes a user-friendly, sustainable and cost-effective teaching approach, which has already been implemented in several countries.

This year, as in previous years, the CASPuk team will be joined by international trainers from the CASP International Network, who will facilitate the week's training and share their experience of evidence-based practice

New for 2005
This year, CASPuk Training Week will be run in parallel with the 11th Oxford Workshop on Teaching Evidence-Based Practice. The format of the week will be unchanged, but participants will have the added benefit of attending plenaries by some of the leading exponents of Evidence-Based Practice

Comments from previous participants
"I now feel more confident and feel I have the skills to facilitate CASP more comprehensively and creatively in my organisation"
"I'm pleased with wonderful teachers and so many useful materials"
"[The] course is excellent - met all my needs. The trainers were very helpful"
"I am now going to develop on-line and live journal club in my organisation. Also look at how CASP can facilitate clinical effectiveness and other groups in Trust"
"I understand a lot more than I did previously and I now feel confident that I could successfully run a critical appraisal workshop"

For more information, including the aims and objectives, programme, training team, costs, flyer and booking form, please go to http://www.phru.nhs.uk/casp/trweek05.htm

Thursday, July 14, 2005

User Needs Study

This has just been published on the NLH - For Librarians page http://www.library.nhs.uk/forLibrarians/ under Relevant Documents


Andy Richardson

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Things you can do with RSS

An interesting article that has some useful (and some daft) ideas for convincing people to start using RSS - http://timyang.com/wiki/doku.php?id=lists:thingsyoucandowithrss - if you've not had a go with RSS yet, you can download the workbook I wrote for the RSS Workshops we ran from the DLnet training materials page.

Any questions, do get in touch.


Friday, July 08, 2005

Pubmed, RSS and CAS

The other day at Wrightington I offered my utopian vision of CAS services at a meeting of the LIHNN eResources network, subject specific material from selected journals or direct to full text. Pubmed offers us the ability to do this now. I have three test feeds out with a critical friend right now so I'll let you know how it goes.

Key issues so far:

  • Time to identify full text in MyNCBI, not a task to be taken lightly does take a while and is the capital city of Dullsville. Just think of the end result.
  • Search strategies have to take into account you are really after pre-medline records and therefore title words are the key.
  • First subscription to the feed will be scary, lots dragged back but once the user has handled that first batch I anticipate new stuff will be manageable.
    Feeds if you want to see how it works or add constructive criticism are:



    Bariatric Surgery

    I've also put links to the Fade Health News feeds at the bottom for any of you RSS heads out there.


    Kieran Lamb
    Head of Library Services
    Fade Library
    Central Liverpool PCT
    Hamilton House
    24 Pall Mall
    L3 6AL

    0151 2852353

    News Feeds from FADE

    National and International Health News

    Cheshire and Merseyside Health News

    Cumbria and Lancashire Health News

    Greater Manchester Health News