
Digital Libraries Network is for health librarians and trainers in the UK, interested in promotion and training.

Friday, August 15, 2003

Ten Minute Training

Following on from the lesson plans developed by the NeLH team and promoted at the Masterclasses, I have set up Ten Minute Training sessions which can be slotted into a GP appointment. It works very well and the response has been very good. I spend a couple of minutes demonstrating local library resources and then spend the majority of the time on the NeLH site. I tell everyone about Hitting the Headlines and the NeLH Search Facility. Then I make it more relevant to individual professions, so for GPs, I show them Prodigy and Clinical Evidence, for community nurses I show them the professional portal, care pathways database and BNF, for physiotherapists I show them the professional portal, PEDRO database and the Allied Health Bulletin on the DOH site. I also have a session for practice managers and PALS. When I leave, I make sure they have all my contact details and information on other training available.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Another Marketing Idea

I've had quite a few people booking training sessions way in advance due to holidays or night shifts etc. and found it easier to send a reminder about the training session a few days before through the internal post, than chase them via telephone when they are busy dealing with patients.

I have found the nelh external postcards useful tools to do this as they look really professional and don't need an envelope, so i just write on the date, time and session they have booked in on and stick it in the post!!
So not only am I making sure they remember the training but promoting nelh at the same time!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Forthcoming BMJ eHealth special

THe BMJ is calling for papers on aspects of eHealth applications for publication in a special issue in April 2004. They're encouraging submissions before 15th October.

For further details see http://bmj.com/cgi/content/full/327/7410/300?eaf


Friday, August 01, 2003

Blended Learning

'Blended learning is the latest buzzword in corporate training. It sounds so simple: mix e-learning with other types of training delivery. But questions persist. What are the best ways to blend delivery types? When do you blend? What blends work best with what? And the $million question: Will the term blended learning replace e-learning?' Article in Learning Circuits by Josh Bersin found on Elearnspace Blog. Worth a look there are some interesting things here.