
Digital Libraries Network is for health librarians and trainers in the UK, interested in promotion and training.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Health Libraries Week and PODs

Also, I've just updated the POD page, with some new templates for health libraries week, that give suggestions for text for posters/leaflets/etc.
I've also put up the water drop image in both black & white and colour, and some new magnifying glass images for some of the newer Specialist Libraries.

I've also put up the latest designs I have for the NLH site - they're not finalised, but they give an idea about what you'll see during Health Libraries Week. As soon as I have the finalised design, I'll share screenshots again. Beware - it's a large file (1.17 Mb) to download.

Any comments, please email us.

@ your health library

Hello all
The training people up at the Scotland e-library have come up with some catchy slogans that they're using during health libraries week, and that they're happy for us to share (thanks Cathy Zahra)!
They could be used on posters or leaflets to target particular departments or staff groups.
Hope you like them!

Bone up on orthopaedics @ your health library

Brush up on infection control @ your health library

Keep a finger on the pulse @ your health library

Keep sweet on diabetes@ your health library

Prevent knowledge decay @ your health library

Radiology in a flash @ your health library

Step into podiatry @ your health library

Take a dose of pharmacology @ your health library

Wake up to anaesthetics @ your health library

If you can think of any more, post them up here!


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Hello all - just a reminder about the Health Libraries Week website at http://library.editme.com, which has all the details about the week, promotional items, suggestions for activities and lots more.

6 things to highlight for today:

For NHS libraries:
1. If you have not already acknowledged receipt of your box of promotional materials, please do so by following this link: http://www.insitefulsurveys.com/Survey.asp?SI=43365328280

For everyone:
2. If you still need to order promotional materials for HLW (either whole boxes or individual items), you can try our new automated order line: http://www.insitefulsurveys.com/Survey.asp?SI=46657168425

3. If you have not filled in the form to tell us what you're planning for Health Libraries Week, please follow this link: http://www.insitefulsurveys.com/Survey.asp?SI=59200358685 - this will help us to evaluate the success of the week afterwards.

4. Some of you may have noticed that it's Children in Need day on the Friday of HLW - if you're planning on dressing up or holding other events in your library, you could think about tying it in with a collection for Children in Need.

5. We now have computer wallpaper and email signature messages available for you to download and use: http://library.editme.com/wallpaper and http://library.editme.com/messages - please email nelh@nhsia.nhs.uk if you're not sure how or why you might use them.

6. We're going to hold a teleconference on Wednesday 3rd November at 9.30am (lasting no more than half an hour) to talk about the plans for HLW and answer any questions you may have. Please email nelh@nhsia.nhs.uk to let us know if you plan on joining the call. On the day, please dial 0800 358 3795 and enter access code 771239 followed by #
If you can't make the call, we'll be writing up notes and posting them here.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Responses to roadshow questions

Those of you who attended a National Library for Health roadshow this summer will remember that your questions, together with your thoughts, concerns and ideas were gathered during the day. These were summarised in a report, which is available at www.library.nhs.uk

The questions were grouped and summarised, and responses from the NLH Programme Team are now available at http://www.library.nhs.uk/roadshowresponses.htm. These will be added to and updated, as any new questions and responses arise.