Dear Colleagues
Plans for the official launch of the National Library for Health are progressing well and we look forward to seeing many of our colleagues at the Royal Free Hospital on the 17th November. This event will generate interest in the services that the NLH has to offer now, and the developments that are in the pipeline for the coming months. I am aware that many of you have activities planned for next week to demonstrate the new service to your clinicians.
With regards to the single search component, in response to feedback during our last round of testing, we have asked FDI for some extra development work and there just isn't time to complete this and give you all sufficient time to familiarise yourselves with this, before the 17th November. Therefore, after much debate, we have decided to introduce the search element of the NLH service in stages.
The new programme for the SSE roll-out will now be as follows:
17th November: The official NLH launch - including an overview and a demonstration of the SSE to generate awareness and interest amongst the press and clinicians in the new service.
Development work and testing will continue into early December.
The test site will then be made available to library staff during December to allow you to familiarise yourselves with the search and how it works.
10th January 2005: the search will go live
We believe that this new timetable will ensure that when the service is made available to clinicians, it offers a service of the highest quality, and all our colleagues are really familiar with what it can do. A rolling demonstrator of the search engine has been created and can be seen at and is available now to provide you with a demonstration of the key features of the new service.
New developments will continue to be added to the site over the coming months, so we would ask that you help us in encouraging end-users to move from the current NeLH site to the new site over the next few months. The current NeLH site will continue as it is until at least spring 2005.
We appreciate that many of you have put a lot of hard work into preparing for Health Libraries Week and the launch of the new site and search. Health Libraries Week is a great opportunity to promote your library as well as electronic resources.
Kind regards
Ben Toth, NLH Programme Director & Robin Murray, Managing Director Fretwell Downing Informatics